Married Couples #Realtalk Connect

Kemp Church's Married Couples Group is currently meeting on our Kemp Facebook page every Wednesday evening from 7:00PM - 7:30PM. All married couples and engaged couples are welcome to join us. Pastor Brian and Bethany Cooper go live on Facebook on the Kemp page and select a devotion for married couples and talk through each week, share takeaways, fun ice breakers and questions for couples to get to know other couples better as well as their spouses/soon to be spouses, etc. We encourage you to jump into the conversation in the comments of the live. For those who are interested, we also have a PRIVATE married couples group that you can join where we will lean into the weekly devotionals more together and get to know each other more. If you are a couple considering getting engaged/married, and are looking for pre-martial counseling/coaching, Pastor Brian and Bethany Cooper have led several couples through the SYMBIS program and follow this method to work with couples to help them prepare for marriage. SYMBIS stands for Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts. If you'd like information on working with Pastor Brian and Bethany Cooper for pre-marital coaching please contact us via email or a phone call.

Current Married Couples Connect Focus

Mind Craft: Take your thoughts captive to transform your marriage.
Join us on the journey this devotional. Start the devotional in the FREE YouVersion Bible App and then join us every Wednesday evening at 7PM EST on our Kemp Facebook page.

Recent Married Couples Connect Conversations